Underappreciated Manga
Anime Central 2017
Saturday 10:15PM in Room 14
Panel Description
Members of AnimeChicago's Manga Jam book club start a conversation on what manga we love to read. Going beyond the standard shounen action series or the shoujo romance we are going to recommend works that show the sheer diversity of Japans take on the comics medium.
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Works Discussed
Kirin Tendou - And It Will Be Sunny
Reiichi Sugimoto, Shinkichi Katou - National Quiz
Asano Inio - Ozanari-kun
Katsuhiro Otomo - Boogie Woogie Waltz
Katsuhiro Otomo - Sayonara Nippon
Moto Hagio - Iguana Girl
Q Hayashida - Dorohedoro
Kyoko Okazaki - Helter Skelter
Osamu Tezuka - Book of Human Insects
Dowman Sayman - Nickelodeon
Taiyo Matsumoto - Ping Pong
Katie Skelly - Death Cult
Dash Shaw - Cosplayers